
That Might Not Be Your Long-Distance Lover On The Other End Of Your ‘Smart’ Vibrator

That Might Not Be Your Long-Distance Lover On The Other End Of Your ‘Smart’ Vibrator

At a technology press conference just past, software giant Trend Micro demonstrated how they could switch on a app triggered vibrator remotely. Not a monumental feat you say, well consider that they hacked into the device with a few simple lines of code. Has Trend Micro proved that a skilled hacker can come between you and your pleasures?

The worry here is not only how easily hackers can get in, but what they might do once they are ‘in’. Interfacing with smartphone apps, lots of the newer range of net sex toys come with video-conferencing. The question then is, if a hacker can get in to control a vibrator, can they get in to spy on you and your partner, or record you even?

“The problem here is that many Internet of Things devices [smart devices connected to the Internet] are horribly broken security-wise because it costs money to ensure a reasonable standard of protection on a product,” Chris Boyd, an analyst at Malwarebytes, told Newsweek, who reported on this story along with the UK’s Daily Mail, this week.

In 2010 the RealTouch® was introduced to the market. A hard plastic heavy ‘sleeve’-of-a- device, this male masturbatory toy was basically a heavy white machine that contained a mini soft rubber rigged little penis-tickling treadmill, could heat-up and secrete lube stored in its reservoir, all to prompts imbedded in downloadable porn movies the company had stored on its website; plugged in through an interface, placing one’s “self” where one needed to, watching porn across the net, a man could enjoy himself however long he liked. Two years later the company used their Haptic technology (a technology NASA actually developed and the same technology used in Wii® gaming consoles) to make it so cam girls could manipulate a ‘joystick’ from their location, which would in turn influence the movement and heating elements of the RealTouch® device. RealTouch has since suspended production but developments in cyberdildonics have continued on a grand scale, with many more apps, toys and sites built for ‘remote’ self-love…between participants, solo or between human and machine.

And the hackers seem to be ready and waiting.

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